Entering Victoria - a crucial part of any trip to Melbourne
Day 2 dawned bright and cold.
I attached my wet clothes to the bike bag for drying and set off down the Monaro towards the south coast of Australia.
The road and scenery were amazing all the way to Cann River.
I went for a bushwalk along the Genoa River in Coopracambra National park looking for a waterfallJust before reaching Cann River I came across Australia's oldest school, located in the tiny village of Noorinbee.
I followed the coast to Nowa Nowa and then meandered through country Victoria, passing though towns such as Bruthen, Glenaladale, and Maffra.
The Lindenow pub - good lunch and great people
It rained intermittently the entire time. If I had my clothes out it would start to drizzle. When I put them away the sun would peep through the clouds.
A brewing storm
The section from Nowa Nowa to Bruthen was particularly dangerous. Rain bucketed from the skies, obscuring my vision.
The serviceman's monument at Lindenow
I spent most of the time following the tail lights of the semi in front of me. Coming into Maffra I witnessed a spectacular accident that left two cars totalled. Luckily no one was hurt.
There was also a dog in the tray of the back truck. Poor thing never stopped shaking.
From Maffra I headed south towards Stradbroke and then cut west towards Gormandale and Mirboo North on some pretty dodgy roads.
I stopped off at the Grand Ridge Brewery in Mirboo North and quick game of the original Time Crisis (my favourite) before striking out to Leongatha and the Gippsland Highway.
This leg was made a wee more interesting by the constructs of a witty farmer.
I saw the punchline first and actually rode for ages looking for the set up before I realised they might both be on the same row of bales
I made the final leg of the journey into Melbourne along the Gippsland Highway and then Princes Highway. I had an awesome pizza for dinner but I cannot remember where it was (probably Leongatha). Once again the stupendously heavy rains hit as I came into Melbourne in the evening, reducing my visibility to dangerously low levels but I made it in fairly safe and somewhat damp.
A powerplant I passed on the way. These things a MASSIVE. I also can't remember which town it was attached too. Koo Wee Rup perhaps?
It was a good trip, marred a little by the rain as I was keen to travel along the Grand Ridge Road – supposedly a great trail.
However I was a bit concerned at its reliability in the wet so I gave it a miss this time around.
There’s always next year!.