Here is the brew just after I set it up
In three weeks time I'll be having a tasting party. Hope you're all excited!
The life and times of James Bond as he lived in the 14th centuary
Here is the brew just after I set it up
Cycling Scientists Chris and Danene (photo stolen from their website)
Whilst spending seven months meandering up the coast of Queensland these crazy cats plan to visit over 60 schools, teaching the lucky students all about energy.Orienteering through Mt Ainslie
The difference between a Rat Race and a metrogaine is that in a metrogaine when you get to a checkpoint you get your points straight away. In a Rat Race you have to perform some sort of -usually silly - activity.
Iron gut Comp: Combine any four ingredients that start with the letters g, b, w, r, or s. We used fruit, it was super tasty
An hour long session at the Gym. Every Class was booked out. We managed to sneak into the stretching class
Take Two at a Cafe in Watson
Following that we took our bikes to the dirt tracks and bike orienteering section in the Bruce Nature Reserve. Here it became glaringly apparent how dilapitated and cheap my bike is. I crashed at least six times, punctured my tube once, and crushed my groin more times than I care to remember. Beaten and bruised I wobbled out of the course with my team mates laughing at me. To recover we went to prune some plants for 80 points.
The mountain bike challenge proved how inadequete my bike really is. I never looked like this guy in the photo. First replace the smile with a look of abject terror...
Pruning plants gave me some time to recuperate
Next on the agenda was kiaking around lake Burley Griffin. Once we got into a rhythm it was quite relaxing, but my chest and arms received a workout not to be matched (until Fenner rugby 2008 no doubt). This was followed by another oreinteering course through the ANU - every checkpoint was a crossword clue and you receive points by filling in a crossword. Luckily for our team I've been a worked as Security at ANU for four years and know the campus back to front. I'm also a crossword enthusiast. As such we had one of the highest scores for this challenge.
Kiaking was hard at first, but gets easier as you settle into a rhythm
DIv 4 and Div 7 attempt to locate their drop off position and prepation for their run back to Fenner
Div4 and Div 7 debrief after their mock dropoff. Fenner's Div one team prepares for their 20km training now all teams have returned safe and sound at 11:30pm
All is not lost. I have managed to locate some events of similar terrain and distance to keep me busy in the interim. The North Face 100 is held in the Blue Mountains, the Trailwalker will find a spot in my calendaer as usual, and I also managed to find the Gold Coast 100 - the Australian Nationals.
With IB postponed I finally get to relax my self imposed no drinking policy. A brew and a few mates is all the solace I need. Careful though, training for the North Face starts next week.
A much shorter event - Road Relay - that consists of 1500m and 3000m legs has also been moved forward to term 2. Can our IB team turn ultra distance running to sprint? Only time will tell...