I have lived at Fenner for six years. This is my seventh. In that time I have seen our sporting team slowly evolve as the core group of athletes varies from year to year. Over the last four years Fenner pride has been saved solely on the strength of our female performances who have consistantly placed first or second in sports such as cricket, softball, soccer, volleyball, netball and touch football, whilst the male squad has languised in last and second last.

Two cricket teams set out to prove the critics wrong. Huge scores - including a massive 177 off 15 overs (guys) and a run chase that took two overs (girls) - ensured that Daly Road (where all the other ANU residences are) knew we meant business. Of course what most teams didn't realise that the Fenner guys never once played our full strength team, even in the finals. Come the end of the season and both guys and girls were in the finals against Johns XXIII...

Big man Aaron stepped up next hitting boundaries like Haydon in the World Cup, to the extent that the usually loud and obnoxius Johns crowd went home early. The greatest moment however was the sheer silliness of John's mid off - who moved himself to silly midoff when our very small fifth batter stepped in. Its a Fenner secret that Auro, despite his small stature is the hardest hitter and biggest swinger of Fenner. Oh we prayed for a cut shot to the face. Auro and our indomitable captain finished the job with two overs to spare. It was the first game of cricket John's had lost in three years.

Fenner's female cricket team - a force not to be messed with
This year, like every year, we began with high hopes. For once again our male hockey squad looked sensational. Unfortunately 2008 was like every other year. After defeating last years second place we became complacent and choked - finishing a measly third. Our other strong team was Inward Bound. For the first time in years Fenner Hall held a team with (incredibly) high prospects - only to have the sport cancelled. It looked like another year of dangling at the bottom of the sporting ladder. Then IT happened.Two cricket teams set out to prove the critics wrong. Huge scores - including a massive 177 off 15 overs (guys) and a run chase that took two overs (girls) - ensured that Daly Road (where all the other ANU residences are) knew we meant business. Of course what most teams didn't realise that the Fenner guys never once played our full strength team, even in the finals. Come the end of the season and both guys and girls were in the finals against Johns XXIII...

Al Gough, our fearless leader prepares to face the John's attack
The guys played first and the toss was the only thing we lost (Johns are well known for their tossing ability). Things looked a little dire to begin with, with Fenner dropping catches in every area of the field, but a great runout and a few blistering overs from Auro Ghosh left John's with just under 120 runs after 20 overs.

Fenner cheer squad help the umpire signal another four!
Fenner moved into bat with Dr Malcolm (Dr Death) Green prescibing all sorts of pain to the John's bowlers. He had just finished a blistering 99 run haul in our previous game and continued the trend in the finals.
Megan Beven, the sport president of Fenner runs water to Dr Death, after another over of sending balls to the morgue.
Big man Aaron stepped up next hitting boundaries like Haydon in the World Cup, to the extent that the usually loud and obnoxius Johns crowd went home early. The greatest moment however was the sheer silliness of John's mid off - who moved himself to silly midoff when our very small fifth batter stepped in. Its a Fenner secret that Auro, despite his small stature is the hardest hitter and biggest swinger of Fenner. Oh we prayed for a cut shot to the face. Auro and our indomitable captain finished the job with two overs to spare. It was the first game of cricket John's had lost in three years.

A photo to be treasured forever. The John's crowd leaves in disgust - unable to bear the humiliation of losing to Fenner.
The girl's cricket final was a week later. Fenner shaped up to field and although boundries were hit their never say die attitude, coupled with Michelle Ions pace bowling, kept a constant fall of wickets. Leaving John's with a low(ish) total of around 70 from 1o overs.
Michelle Ions leads the Fenner attack with blistering pace and unrivelled accuracy
In walked our openers Tracey (Boof) Bouffler and Laura Clarke. Togther these two girls scored steadily, looking as calm as you like. At no stage did they seem stressed by the bowlers. Suddenly an amazing hook shot by Tracey down to fine leg fell straight down the throat of a fielder. All was well as Tracey's place was taken by promising young batter Georgia, plus change of over brought Laura to face. She was bowled a shitty ball, Laura steps back to make some room and swings with a Ricky Pontingesque pull shoot. Bottom Edge, middle stump!
Tragedy strikes! Laura sees a juicy ball. Unfortunately it turned out to be over ripe!
It was the beginning of the end. Our following batters, distraught at the loss of two wickets in two balls lost their aggresive batting style. The unsure backfoot play saw the girls end 20 runs short of their target. However this left Fenner with a first and second in the cricket. Very tidy indeed.
Fenner celebrates a John's wicket. Will we see more of these successful huddles in the months to come?
Where does this lead us, Fenner Hall is now second in the overall sports shield after term one. Term two brings about our new look Rugby team with hopes and a top two finish, our solid softball team coached by yours truly (we've come second four years in a row - this is our year). Road Relay with more runners than we have spots and basketball. Can we keep our second rung place? Are we able to close the 14 point gap with John's. We will know in June...
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