The event got underway and we trekked through the picturesque scenes shown below. The trail was thin, steep and littered with organic tripping matter. Running was an option but we decided early on it wouldn't be worth the danger to our ankles. Anyway, we were already ahead of 'Mr Skins' and team 070.
We amused ourselves frequent traffic reports (we crossed the Newcastle Freeway a few times), grotesque renditions of American Pie, Joy to the World, and any other song we knew more than the chorus to. Not only that, we were frequently reminded of Man's ability to generate electricity.
We were joined by support crew member Yan at checkpoint two, a marathon runner from Singapore who wanted to see some Australian forest and we taught him 'A home among the Gum trees".
Yan and Ben in a fuzzy photo. Yan did 50 kms of the trail with us!
Bad jokes came out *moo* after the 50 km mark but fortunately not many can be remembered. At one point we broke free from the oppressive bush to be greeted by some lovely people who offered us cordial and lollies.
These are the best people ever! If all inhabitants of Earth modelled their behaviour on this family their would be no hate, prejudice or crime. I like these people.
We finally arrived at the finsh line just after the sun had come up, in which we returned to our base camp (Sprinkle's house), slept and then ate breakfast/lunch of fish and chips at Dee Why Beach. Injuries suffered to the team include blisters, blisters and more blisters, largely swollen knees, ligament soreness and muscular fatigue. However it was another great year - lets see if I'm keen again in 12 months.
Good work, Phil - 100 km in under 24 hours. That's a great effort. What is your recovery regime like? (Crouch over a motorcycle in a freezing gale for three or four hours?) Will you take a beer of tap this evening?
I'm not free for a beer until Thursday (convenient). See you at O'Neils
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