I fronted up once again, sporting new top of the range equipment - $230 shoes (plus a pair of backup runners), $170 9L bag, and a $130 torch (this was really bought for Inward Bound).

The Camelbak M.U.L.E and my new trailrunning shoes
I was also not alone - I met two fellow ANU and IB runners at the registration - Andrew Williams (or AJ) from Bruce Hall, and Elliott Wise from John XXIII College. We stuck together till the first checkpoint talking shop (mostly IB related), I also met a delightful fellow named Matt from Brisbane, a young bloke who won the under 25 category called James, and much to my surprise Beth, a gorgeous girl I met last year.
Just like last year I was stoked to see my mother at the 56km checkpoint where I could top up on supplies (there was also a mandatory equipment check and they asked for an emergency info sheet I didn't have. However never underestimate the guile of an IB coach when it comes to compulsory equipment - we know all the tricks).
This year I wanted to push myself early and see how long I could keep it up, a tactic that worked admirably - here is a comparison of my times this year and last year.
| Race Time | | Overall Pos | ||
13k Narrow Neck | | | | ||
36k Dunphys | | | | ||
52k Old Ford Reserve-Out | | | | ||
66k Katoomba falls Oval | | | | ||
86k | | | | ||
100k Fairmount | | | 37 |
| Race Time | | Overall Pos | ||
17k Narrow Neck | | | 53 | ||
38k Dunphys | | | 42 | ||
54k Old Ford Reserve-In | | | 32 | ||
67k Katoomba falls Oval | | | 25 | ||
89k | | | 22 | ||
100k Fairmount | | | 21 |
The course was modified slightly, hence the discrepencies in distance between the checkpoints. Also our positions weren't recorded at each checkpoint in 2008.
I was keen to finish in under 13 hrs and by the last checkpoint it seemed possible. All I will say is I won't die wondering - I ran my little heart out, overtaking one other solo runner and numerous team runners (two people who run 50km each).
Just under a kilometer from the end a lost the ability to navigate stairs and I was relegate to slowly slogging out the hills.
Suddenly I stumbled across the green glowsticks that mark the end and I paced the last few steps to fall into the waiting arms of my Mother and her friends for a time of 13hours 2mins - 2 hours faster than last year and once again earning my silver belt buckle.
I still can't believe anyone was willing to stand that close to me
Overall I placed 21st and only three of the 32 team runners finished before me. After the race I was unsure if I would run again,
but of course by Monday I was already analysing how to improve my time for next year!
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