When the circus is in town weird shit happens - witness the antiphoto. Although not planned everyone has somehow managed to look unphotogenic. Even the groom is wearin an expression usually associated with sociopaths

Its turns out the best remedy is to focuse on another.
The ceremony was held in in Sutton and the sun found time in its busy schedule to make an appearance, which for 2010 is pretty amazing. Tim strode down from the pub accompanied by his Best Man, father and a marching bagpipe player. Tim marching down the road to the melodious belch of the bagpipes.
Not to be outdone, Miriam joined the grinning groom to a blood pumping drum beat. The vows
Soon after the guests could be found knocking back a few drinks to combat the heat, and it wasn't long until everyone retired inside. We drank, we ate, we danced and we were merry.
The next day we all met up again for a BBQ. Once again the circus crew got together made plans for out next adventure, lamenting over the missing member - when, from over the horizan, Chris peddles up in true Lauf fashion. 
This is another example of weird shit happening when we get together
Upon closer inspection Chris hadn't actually travelled halfway across the world in less than 12 hours to make an amazing entrance, but it was an almighty coincidence.
Spot the difference!