On Thursday afternoon the Research School of Chemistry celebrated Christmas by getting the majority of staff and research students hopelessly drunk.
It was strange not having Pinko and Jen around to join in on the festivities but I still managed to enjoy myself. Much of the afternoon was spent lamenting the state of the Aussie cricket with Pat and Mikey from the Humphrey group and playing soccer on the stupendously slippery grass.For a while I refused to run because I didn;t want to break into a sweat, but near the end it was just myself and Titou against the rest so I stepped up a gear and we ripped apart the opposition with our sheer brilliance. We both spent a lot of time in the mud.
A few of us ventured to the uni pub for dinner and to bitch and moan about undergrads students. After this Jeremy, Ian and I took to the pool tables, defeating whosoever dared to play us.
From here we parted ways and I headed to the only payphones in town to call a friend of mine, Alex Haller, who was in Canberra for a conference. Despite my best efforts I couldn't get a hold of him, and then low and behold as I walked past O'Malley's there he was on his phone trying to call me back. We shared many a merry pint (and a jug) with each other, Luke Broadhurst (an ex-ressie of Fenner), and some other scientists in town for the conference too.
All the Guiness I had lubricated my sense of humour to just the right level until one of the girls asked if I was a comedian. I explained I also was a research scientist but that I also had a part time job, to which she immediately responded 'as a comdeian?'(bless her soul).
Unfortunately this put a lot of pressure on me to be more funny so I stopped talking for at least 5 minutes. The night ended with Alex and I promising to ride our motorcycles across Australia at some point next year.
I heard the party was this week and I was thinking of you guys. It looks like you had a fun time. My department is having a holiday party tomorrow evening which should be a good night.
I can't believe how green everything is in your pictures. I trust you are not entirely under water yet although I heard Queanbeyan is.
Half of NSW is a swimming pool. All ACT copped was an overflow from the Queanbeyan sewerage plant - this has effected Lake Burley Griffin but otherwise we have not noticed (excpet a postponed Chemistry cricket match). I'm sure your departmental party will be super awesome!
Hey Phillip! Thanks for thinking of Jen and I. The campus sure does look lush. And chess even had a show as well. All that rain is incredible! Also glad to read that your uni work is going at full-steam. Cheers!
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