Fenner Hall, being the fine establishment that it is, sent me to Fremantle at the beginning of July to learn how to improve the first year experience in higher education. As far as conferences go it was okay, but the real bonus was being able to catch up with old Fenner friends who have moved to the large state of WA.
Fremantle in 2D form
On my first night Simon and I met up in a pub, sampled a couple of paddles of their (tasty) beer, before retiring to his place. We then plugged in his old playstation and indulged in the original Time Crisis.
Paddles of what was once beer
I saw the sights of Fremantle on the Wendesday and Friday. I went for a short run along the coast - heading south - passing places such as the Round House, the Little Creatures Brewery, and the Fremantle Beach.

On Friday I visited the Shipwreck museum
Part of a restored ship
A cannon - I think I could find a use for this in the Fenner Carparks
and went on the Fremantle Prison 'Ghost Tour', which was surprisingly good, and in all honesty gave me the best ideas to implement back at Fenner (a gun tower maybe).
Whipping post for 'post' Thursday night antics
The gallows - set up on the roof of Fenner for extra excitement
Saturday brought Jeremy up to Fremantle and we joined forces with the meager Gold Coast fans to support the Suns in their endeavour to defeat the Fremantle Dockers in Perth. It was Pavlich's 250th game to which added to the occassion.
A ball up at the Sun's attacking end
This was followed by dinner and a bucket load of beers with Sim at the Little Creatures Brewery.

Little Creatures Brewery from the outside
Little Creatures Brewery from the inside - Sim and Jeremy sharing a few obnoxiously loud ones with me.
It was with a heavy heart (and throbbing head) I had to leave behind footy

and this fabulous tasting mango beer and return to Canberra.

1 comment:
Hey Phil, you even got out for a run! Was that for fitness or just to sweat some fluid out to replace with beer? Did you like it over in WA? It's Kevo's 30th this week. If you would like to call him to say happy birthday, his number is +1-415-216-9621.
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