Do you know that feeling you get when you've just lost 6 hours of work?
The feeling of helplessness that slowly breeds deep the pit of the stomach, feeding off the uncertainty of the last click of the mouse button.

Even as your mind scurries over your most recent actions to determine if you actually have displaced the metaphoric blood, sweat, and tears poured into a literal lexicon of intelligence; the uncertainty that plagues you snowballs into an infallible truth.

This simple realisation precludes a narrowing of vision to include nothing but the computer screen, which, in turn, fades into a blur.

The sudden rise of rage that cannot be quelled without immediate retribution on any animate or inanimate object that is at hand after which you are once again left tired, lost, as well as physically and mentally sore.

The sudden shift in thinking as you try the most inconceivable methods of recovering lost documents, each one more improbable than the last until finally you collapse into the pit of despair; the mind shuts down and slowly...nothing.

Yeah, I just felt that - luckily I was wrong.

On a positive note I have just realised a flaw in my saving and backing up techniques.
I copy all my latest and greatest work from my computer to my flash drive, which is then saved into my computer at uni. This is apparently backed up on some mega storage system somewhere in the RSC. Anyway, for a brief moment I thought I had accidentally dragged the old stuff from my flash drive to my PC which has my new stuff (instead of the other way around). Copy and Replace - why yes, don't mind if I do. Bada boom bada bang, all my recent hard work replaced with my not so recent inadequate work. Fortunately I didn't do anything backwards - at least that's what my newly acquired house mates should be thinking.
1 comment:
Oh - you're lucky!
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