Monday, January 19, 2015

A guide for opening a Chocolate Orange for Ruby, Cooper, and Summer.


I hope by now you have received your suprise! Chocolate Oranges is probably my favourite treat from the UK, but it is not easy to eat. Here is how I was taught to open and enjoy these little blighters!

Step 1: Take it out of the box (clearly the most important step!), but dooooooooooon't open it just yet.

Step 2: Get mum to find you a good hard surface like a bench top.

Step 3: Then give the Chocolate Orange a good couple of whacks! Hard whacks!

Step 4: Squeeze the Chocolate Orange. Does it feel a little broken up? If so you are ready to eat, proceed to step 5! If not go back to step 3 and whack it a little harder.

Step 5: carefully peel away the sticker on top...

Step 6: Yum!

I hope you enjoy your chocolate Orange.

Uncle Phill

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