Day 16 started as a bit of a worry, the weather looking a bit dull for our momentous return to the mainland. We arrived at the Ferry catching place nice and early to ensure we didn't miss it.
It rained a little bit on our journey, but nothing like day 1. I managed to get another flat and spent a good ten minutes in a bus shelter changing my tube and removing the offending shard of glass. A friendly bus even stopped and waited for me - for some reason expecting me to get on despite the fact I was reattaching a wheel, putting my helmet on, and tying my bag down. I got a wee bit bored riding through the populated area and started taking artistic shots.
Front wheel of my bike.
Day 17 - the final day. We got up late and rode leisurely as a group from Frankston through to Melbourne. Multiple times we were passed by yuppies all decked out in the riding gear, they passed us with a healthy look of disdain on their faces at such a rag tag mob - wearing cheap gray t-shirts with texta scrawled all over it, riding bikes that didn't cost more than a second hand car, one even had a bag tied down with straps. Those bloody wannabies don't even know the meaning of a long days ride, they're too content riding to the next coffee shop so they can lounge around in the tight clothes and their helmets on their heads (they annoyed us a little).
We happily continued on our journey ringing our bells merrily. Together we arrived at Fedration Square at lunchtime. Chub joined us for the celebrations along with our friends and family.
The team arrives safely.
Left to right: Myself, Danene, Chris, Jules, Chub, and Emily.

Where did we want to ride to Guys? Right Here!!!

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