We all met up outside Questacon at 7:00am, bags packed and bikes and bodies a-ready for the 119 km ride to Cooma. Where are we going? This way - to Melbourne!

Not all was perfect however. It was early morning, there were dark clouds, and a misty rain. We cursed the skies, yelling it would take more than a bit of water to stop us. Our cries were heard and the heavens opened up. We were stranded at Michelago for half and hour while we waited for the rain to let up. It didn't, so cold, wet and tired we pushed on.
Here's Emily Jules and Chris currently the wettest people alive.

Two early tube puctures to Chubb was also a feature of the first day, and Chubb's skill in changing and patching tubes became nearly a daily ritual for the first week.

All ended well twelve hours later when the beleagured troops arrived at Tim's humble abode. We set our clothes to dry in his garage enjoyed a succulent feast involving variuos meats and salads before retiring to the local pub for a few sneaky ones. There's Tim being huge in the background.

Day 2 dawned, and we awoke to a full breakfast of bacon, eggs, fruit salad and all the yummy stuff.
Brekkie and preparations at Tim's.

Our hearts were lifted by the small patch of blue sky that coyly peeked through the clouds.

It was a tough slog uphill towards Jindabyne, at one stage we reached 1080 metres above sea level (Canberra is at 500). Its all worth it though when you spend fifteen minutes climbing a steep hill to be greeted by a vista such as this one.

Arriving at Jindabyne we snuck a couple of us into a small cabin, reminiscing over our circus tour accomodation. The closest pub offered cheap arse fish and chips so we indulged in some fried food and beers. The girls retired early, but myself Chris and Chubb powered on to another pub where we preceded to solve all of the world's major issues in heated discussion. Day 2 was a 62 km trip. Total distance 181 km
Day 3 was a first rest day. Some time was spent fixing bikes, checking tourist info for the best route the mountains, lunch in the national park and fly fishing for Danene. A great day for rest as the sun was out. We also got a first taste of the fly plague...
Jules, Chris and Emily jiving at Lake Jindabyne after lunch.

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