These guys are too funny
The life and times of James Bond as he lived in the 14th centuary
Myself and Ben, the Illustrious FRC President.
While I am not allowed to drink myslef stupid at these events their are some privileges to my position. Both myself and my co-conspirator Sub Dean Sarojini are in the offical party, so we get announced into the Hall (everyone has to stand for us). We get served food first. We also get to share a table with the guest of honor, which this year was Ian Chubb, the Pro Vice Chancellor of ANU. I was also given the priviledge of handing out the academic awards to our deserving residents halfway through the night.
More front office staff. Its a joy being in the office with Sarah and Sophie around
A great night as usual
A giant potluck, the whole college got together to cook a massive meal.
Then we ate it.
We also played some Three legged soccer.
Karoake, always a favourite. I didn't sing, but I made many promises to...