Its been a long time since I first moved into college, my eyes wide with anticipation, just waiting for the drunken frivolities to begin.
Now however, those same drunken frivolities are a thing of dread. First year students, barely old enough to drink experiencing their first moment away from home with no parents to watch over them. Second year students, eager to impress the newbies with daring deeds during the night. Copious amounts of cheap alcohol flowing freely at all hours of the day. And I'm supposed to look after these schmucks.
Luckily for me the Dean accepted the on Call duties for the week giving me slightly more freedom than I expected.
It was a good week, I got to have a few drinks and meet some of the new ressies - most of them even seem to like me. Just wait until they piss me off...
A giant potluck, the whole college got together to cook a massive meal.

Then we ate it.
We also played some Three legged soccer.

Karoake, always a favourite. I didn't sing, but I made many promises to...

1 comment:
You didn't sing!? Those poor first-year students were robbed!
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