Annual tradition at Fenner dictates that all residents put on their fanciest clothes, go to an expensive function hall, eat free (sometimes questionable) food and drink themselves stupid.

This years ball was held at the Rydges hotel. the Service was slow to say in the least but the drinks came free and the music was damn good. In fact the band was so multitalented they played Jazz throughout dinner and then easily switched to modern pop for the after dinner frivolities.
Myself and Ben, the Illustrious FRC President.
While I am not allowed to drink myslef stupid at these events their are some privileges to my position. Both myself and my co-conspirator Sub Dean Sarojini are in the offical party, so we get announced into the Hall (everyone has to stand for us). We get served food first. We also get to share a table with the guest of honor, which this year was Ian Chubb, the Pro Vice Chancellor of ANU. I was also given the priviledge of handing out the academic awards to our deserving residents halfway through the night.

Hughie and Dan, I'm not sure what Hughie does but the girls love his short shorts while his gardening. Dan is our token male front office staff member.

More front office staff. Its a joy being in the office with Sarah and Sophie around
After the night had ended and the hotel staff removed all Fenner residents from the venue we went into town. Most ressies went to Mooseheads (the scourge of civic nightlife), whilst a select few of us decided that somewhere quieter was in order and so we opted for Muddle Bar - a
quiet(ish) cocktail bar just around the corner.

A great night as usual
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