open from early morning until late night and combining this with the three happy hours throughout the day it is understandale my natural compulsion to enjoy a glass of the amber drop was adequately fuelled .
Tash and Amanda: Nick (you'll meet him soon) and I spent all day night with these super girls. We danced, we drank, we swam, and I woke up in my bed. Due to unexplained memory loss much of this night is recorded through the photographic medium only
I met many a great new person, as well as spending time with the old. Katie, Helen, and Rachel were prese for the first night, and Tom joined me for the second and third night (I stayed an extra day to ensure my liver fully understood hard yakka).
I met a few Australians, Marina and her cousin on the first night and some Tasmanians on the the third. I made close friends with some Kiwis - Nick and I bonded over two nights,
and Paul a fellow chemist (analytical).
The english were there too (as always) and of course - as it was the weekend - there were many japanese.
The islands dive instructor was also japanese and not a night went by in which we didn't play his awesome drinking game sae no (remaned to fuck yeah go! by the aussies).
The true feeling of Beachcomber can be summed up in on phrase: To any general statement or question asked [such as what is there to do here? Is this place good? I feel sick/tired/hungover.) It's Beachcomber (optional refrain: relax).
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