Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Return of the SNES.

Tracey we salute you.
She brought her brother’s SNES from Orange, and I bought Super Mario World from Ebay.
My life has never been better. It took me just over four hours to complete all the levels. I’m trying to get Rock ‘n’ Roll Racinin’, but its very expensive…

Here are all our games. They include: Bubsy, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, Unirally, MK3, Super International Cricket, World Cup USA, and of course Super Mario World. I remember all of these fondly (except the soccer. I never played it before, and its sux).
What a sensational shot. A close up would reveal: Game A – 96. Women love me.

1 comment:

Alcifer said...

Yeah! Super Mario Kart!!