Sunday, January 23, 2011

Canberra Summer

I have recently returned from a 4000km motorbike trip, which will shortly be published, but while I sort through the multitude of photos here are some photos of Canberra in the summer.
We've had a lot of rain, like the enitre east side of Australia. For the first time in 1o years the dams are at 100%. Early in summer Michelle and I ventured to the roof of Fenner to watch a storm brew before sunset.

The storm is brewing to the right (North)

Sunset looking west towards Black Mountain
I have also spent some time cycling around the city. Below are a couple of photos of the Lake Burley Griffin.
The sun reflecting off the water

A boat full of party goers


Alcifer said...

Those shots from the roof of Fenner are amazing, Gattica.

Anonymous said...

good information here that Wipe the bike off the water with dry and soft cloth. Avoid doing this under direct exposure to sun to prevent any streaking.Bikes Canberra