Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Now what?

I submitted my thesis last Thursday and headed to the uni bar for a few celebratory drinks. Alas, most of my friends from the Research School of Chemistry were overseas at a conference, but fortunately Jen had just returned from her two year stint in the States and happened to be in Canberra for the day. After a relatively long session at the uni bar we headed to dinner in Dickson with Tracey, Elene, and Linden. This, of course, was followed by more drinks at our old watering hole O'Neills for some 'almost half price' pints. It was good to see the old gang again. Whats more, it turns out Leah is coming back this weekend. Super!
This is a terrible photo - not the people in it, nor the fact I was too drunk to realise the auto flash was turned off, but because all the glasses are empty. Shame...shame on us all.

1 comment:

Alcifer said...

O'Neills! Good times, Phill. I wish that I could have been there to toast your finishing the PhD. It's good that a few of the hardcore O'Neills crew were there though. You were the second friend that I ever made at uni, after Inga, and I'm so proud of you. Haha! Cheers!