Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Journey Begins Here!

One week and off! Checking out what Europe has to offer because, frankly, Australia is just too darn south. And east, we rival Japan for being the Land of the Rising Sun and the Pet Shop Boys have been telling me to go west for decades. So I've collected my passports (hell yes that's a plural) and I'm  taking planes, trains, and automobiles to Europe (with a mate nicknamed the Fat Man, I'm expecting comedy).
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Two passports - Australian and Maltese. I just hope that Maltese are respected so that if get called an uncouth Aussie I can argue that I'm European -  I've always wanted to be couth.
I've spent no small amount of time planning an epic journey through Asia and some of Eastern Europe with the delightful and knowledgable Michelle from Jamieson Travel. I highly recommend them if anyone decides to join me in the Mediterranean. With her I have planned a trip through PNG, Indonesia, and Singapore  (visiting ex-Fenner friends) before I fly to Beijing and jump on the VodkaTrain, which takes me through China, Mongolia, and Russia. I have two weeks in Ukraine followed by four days in Turkey where I get to go to Gallipoli for ANZAC day. Then I head to Malta!
Plane tickets to everywhere!
It took just under a month to organise my visas, which was hilarious, especially the Russian one. They are so intimidating. Not on purpose but it just seems to be there nature. Fortunately my Maltese passport gets me into Ukraine as that one seems like a pain in the arse and is pricey. 
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One of many visas
In Malta I have a summer job very similar to what I did in Fenner. I am working for Education First as an event manager for European school kids learning English in Malta. I have to live on site and organise their social calendar. It's like being paid (albeit not much) to be a tourist. 
The last task I had was getting some foreign currency because despite Australia's dollar being incredibly strong outside of this great land it is nothing but colourful sheets of plastic. So, on Saturday last week I turned this...
 ...into this.
That's seven currencies and a foreign debit card full of Euros.
So...I leave on the 6 March and I guess I'll see you all when you come visit me? Yes?


Alcifer said...

Rock on with the passaport! Great post, Gattica!

Orbie said...

Bon voyage, Phil. I've always thought you were very couth :)