Thursday, March 13, 2014

England: Exeter

I spent a short time in Exeter, a lovely city in the south of England, as I had another job interview with the University there. With the exception of the period leading up to an including the job interview I spent my time thoroughly sloshed or tramping through cathedrals.
 Exeter Cathedral it is huge; and took 350 years to build.
Probably my must memorable moment was playing pool and darts with a Serbian, who had been a member of a Serbian SWAT team before a back injury left him unfit for work, in a dodgy pub on the canal. It was particularly memorable as some dipshit decided he did not like me an challenged me to a game of pool with a £50 bet because I did not like ONE of the songs he put on the jukebox. Previous to this I had being complimenting him on his music taste because he had played good music. Being a gentleman I politely refused as I did not think it would be fair to take the poor chaps money and I was worried he might think I was hustling him as he had only seen me play left-handed (the serbian was not very good).
 Not a pool hall - but happens to be the longest uninterrupted vaulted ceiling in England. I guess that is impressive, but make anything obscure enough and it will the best of its kind. I was interested in the Astronomical clock that they also had inside.
Anyway, this twat thoroughly beat his girlfriend at pool, and then went on to beat some young kids who had wandered in the entire time crapping on about his superiority over everyone. It was after my 1000th pint of beer that I decided someone needed to shut his trap so firmly asked if he still wanted that game of pool. After he grinned and cockily insisted he would pay for the game I stumbled over to the table, calmly picked up the cue with my right hand and showed the man a thing or two about the game of 8-ball.
If he was smart, this is where he would have started praying.
Like most hacks, once he realised he was going to lose (i.e. after my first visit to the table) he resorted to yelling abuse in my ear while I was taking my shot. By the end of the game even his girlfriend had told to sit and shut up because he was embarrassing himself. After winning the table I gave it to the youngsters. Ah, yes the memories of Exeter.
Overlooking Exeter...from a shopping mall carpark.
They also have gorillas plastered around everywhere. It is some tourist thing where your supposed to find them all...but I had pubs to visit. 
 Baiky went Gorilla hunting though.


Alcifer said...

Glad to read that you gave that tosser a toweling, Gattica!

Scarykrill said...

Pinko! How are you mate?