Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Leicester, UK

Sadly this is where my travels come to an end. You see, this visit to the UK was for a job interview, and, well...apparently I am awesome (who knew?!). But its okay, Leicester is not a bad place and I'm really close to lots of stuff, like Europe, and Eurovision, and ... castles. Hell, even the States are just across the Ocean (Hi Max!).
Yup, another working fountain. My fascination with these has not changed since leaving Russia. This one is in the Leicester Town Square.
As with my job interview in Exeter, I used the opportunity to see what Leicester had to offer. Very early on I found pubs and pool tables. In fact, it was the evening after my interview that I joined a clan, Clan McTwat, in a local pub. While I promised I would see them again if I actually got the job I have only ever seen one of them since, and that was in the distance on the main street.
The main street, complete with a street performer.
Leicester is not a bad place. Similar in size to Canberra and has a pretty good uni (where I work). It is probably most famous for King Richard III. The uni recently dug up his remains. Archeologists have been trying to find his burial place for quite some time so this was a well recognised feat.
King Richard III, in all his glory before brained by a poleaxe.
 They also have a comedy club, which I have visited on many occasions and is really good. Next door to the comedy club is a Walkabout bar. This is an Aussie bar that sells Aussie beers. Hell yes have a sunk a few VBs there. I had an awesome time on Australia Day too (don't tell work - it was a Sunday this year).
A hard earned thirst deserves a good cold beer...
There are a few sites around town such as guild halls, museums, and even a space centre. But it does lack the nature reserves of Canberra, so I haven't enjoyed running as much since I got here. I've been checking out the greater Leicestershire area (no photos yet) and there are a few breweries, parks, and even a steam train - so there no shortage of stuff to do.
A Guild Hall. You know, I went through the Hall, read all the signs and took lots of photos and I still don't really know what Guild Halls were actually for...
There was one important aspect of Leicester though I had to suss out as quickly as possible. It did not take me long but it had been a while since I had had...
Airport security can't foil me this time!
Well, in brief, that's Leicester. There will be more on this as I do live here now. But before I started work I got one last hurrah, cause Goof and I went to Scotland! 
 Clan McTwat! Sadly, no one in the clan is actually Scottish. I assume one day I will see them again in a random pub and we can once again try to take over the pool tables.

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