Thursday, June 26, 2014


I have so many AWESOME things to update on, but by far the MOST awesome is EUROVISION! Therefore I am skipping chronology for the sake of AWESOMENESS.

Whoa, slow down buddy - you hve just exhausted your CAPS and awesome quota.
 Firstly we got to catch a Eurovision ferry to Eurovision Island. The we got to enter the Eurovision pre-party and enjoy refreshing Eurovision beer (the beer wasn't actually branded as Eurovision beer, it was Carlsberg, but I was kinda excited). Ringing the outside of the party space were the European flags. After much searching I was able to locate Malta's behind stall, a couple of coils of rope, and a wheelbarrow.
 And the costumes, of the costumes!
 Eurovision was held in a massive warehouse that was decked out in ways that only Eurovision knows how. At the entrance there were blokes dressed as Conchita offering free hugs, in a great show of support for the Austrian entrant.
Free hugs! Bargain!
Charles, Aleena, and got in nice and early so that we were only a one row from the front. Looking to my left I chuckled as I saw a bloke in a green top that looked surprisingly like a Raiders jersey.
Wait, wait wait...that IS a Raiders jersey! Everyone meet Rowan!
Turns we weren't the only Aussies to travel to Eurovision. In fact, there were Aussies everywhere. Pretty soon the acts started up; unfortunately I did not get any good photos of the Polish act  but I was there for the atmosphere and not photos. Whie not as intense as many concerts I have been too as it is a family event, everyone was super friendly and the music was really good. The acts sound much better live. Despite common conjecture, the British singer was really good when seen and heard through digital media.
They even had a halftime show!
 We smashed a few beers while rocking away to classics like Tick Tock (Ukraine), My Słowianie (Poland), Coming home (Malta), and Cliché Love Song (Denmark). And, of course, we went crazy when Conchita sang Rise like a Phoenix.
Guess which my favourite was (hint, even though it was ruled by my more basic of instincts it was not Conchita).
The countdown was less exciting than watching on TV, but we covered that by throwing back a few test tube shots. It then took us all of three seconds to decide that next year we should travel to Austria in May...
 Clearly the Norwegian behind us are impressed with our drinking skills.

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