Sunday, January 11, 2009

I made a new friend!

Hello everyone,

Last night (Sunday 11th Jan) after watching an awesome thunder storm from my friend's room on the ninth floor of Fenner Hall I wandered back to my own room, which is located on the ground floor. A put my key into my door and opened the lock. Quick movement of some scutling creature caught my eye, and there - beside me - was one of the biggest spider's I've seen. I chewed on my still beating heart for a few seconds and wondered how I came to be next to the laundry (the laundry is two metres further down the corridor). I named him Ralph. and proceded to take photos.
His leg span is about the size of my palm
Here is a good view of his furry little face. Look at those fangs, aren't that cute!
Because I didn't want Ralph climbing into bed with me - as all my friends a wont to do - I decided it would be prudent to lock my door.
That should keep him out! In fact, if he can get through this near impenetrable door I'll have to rename him to Peter Parker.

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