Monday, January 19, 2009

We are one, but we are many...

I was wandering through some bookstores and came across an interesting book named 'Stuff White people Like". An aptly named book it seemed to describe a range of things white people do that we individually think are unique, but in reality many other white folks do too. Unfortunately the author must have received some terrible advice from his publisher because the address for the authors blog was printed on the front cover. Worth a quick look, I found the article on marathons particularly amusing when the motivation behind triathalons was explained.


Alcifer said...

The blog came first and I recall getting a good laugh out of this stuff. It's pretty accurate (as far as sweeping generalizations go). I wonder if people outside mainstream W&W (white and western) culture find this book as amusing as we do?

Scarykrill said...

I just can't believe the author lets people know where they can read his book content. I though it would be funny and maybe worth buying for a laugh...but not now